CDOE Committees
Budget Committee: Rebecca Pompei, Chair
The function of this committee will be to develop a yearly budget, monitor adherence to the budget and present all financial goals and proposals to the CDOE Board for approval. The Financial Coordinator will chair this committee.
By-Laws and Policies Committee: Lisa Williams, Chair
The function of this committee will be to review the By-laws of the Board and the policies and procedures of the CDOE Program annually and present any necessary changes.
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Certification Program/Curriculum Committee: Tracey Taveira, Chair
The function of this committee is to plan, implement, and evaluate the annual certification process including evaluation of the curriculum presented.
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Exam Committee: Sarah Marotto, Chair
The function of this committee is to plan, implement, and evaluate the Certification Exam process for CDOE and CVDOE Candidates.
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Continuing Education Committee: Cynthia Silvia, Chair
The function of this committee is to plan, implement, and evaluate programs of continuing education for diabetes outpatient educators based on educational needs assessments.
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Credentialing Committee: Andrea Aspirino, Chair
The function of this committee is to:
- Track and monitor the annual certification/re-certification requirements for individual CDOE educators and existing CDOE sites,
- Review the CDOE applications for new educators and select the CDOE candidates,
- Review and approve new CDOE site applications, and
- Assist in policy making as necessary.
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Nominating Committee: Alex Gianfrancesco, Chair
The function of this committee is to determine the slate of officers and coordinate the voting process. The Chair-elect will chair this committee.
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Reimbursement Committee: Mark Rogers, Chair
The Reimbursement Committee addresses three issues relating to compensation:
- Documentation for the services rendered by CDOEs through the aggregate data and patient assessment forms.
- ADA (American Diabetes Association) recognition for CDOE sites.
- Political action to improve reimbursement rates and communication with third-party insurers.
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Technology and Outreach Committee: Alex Gianfrancesco, Chair
The function of this committee will be to review and update content of website ( and manage social media accounts.
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